Maxine McClendon is an internationally known artist who works in a variety of mediums; her most well known being acrylic on stuffed canvas. She has received her formal training from The University of Texas at Austin as well as from Texas Women’s University, Denton and The University of Texas-Pan American.
McClendon has had numerous One-Man Exhibitions, which are listed below. But she has also had large showings in 57 different group exhibitions. She is listed in Who’s Who in the World, 12,03; as well as Who’s Who in America, 55th Edition to present, Who’s Who in American Art, 13th Edition and Who’s Who of American Women, 1981 to present. In addition 27 publications have done interviews and articles on her and her work.
Besides being a very accomplished artist, McClendon has been President of Texas Designer/Craftsmen from 1973-74; as well as the Curator of Mexican Folk Art for the McAllen International Museum from 1974-80. And during that time she was also the Texas Representative to the American Crafts Council from 1976-1980.
Today, and since 1989, Maxine has been sharing her love of art while teaching drawing to children and adults who had no idea they even had it in them!
Selected Public Collections:
- IBM Collections
- Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Northwestern University Medical Center, Chicago
- Arkansas Museum of Fine arts, Little Rock
- First National Bank of Mt. Prospect, Illinois
- McAllen International Museum, TX
- ITC, New York City
- Lauren Roger Museum, Laurel, Mississippi
- Glenbrook Hospital, Glenview, Illinois
- Leede Exploration Co., Oklahoma City, OK
- Crocker Bank, Los Angeles
- Caterpillar Corp., Peoria, Illinois
- Texas Instruments, Dallas
- Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX
- Union Bank of Switzerland
- Marshall Field & Co., Houston
- Southwestern Bell Telephone Executive Communication Center
- Merchants & Savings Bank, Janesville, Wisconsin
- Hyatt Regency Hotel, Fort Worth, TX
- Forbes Inc., San Francisco
- First Savings & Loan, Shreveport, La
- Continental Plaza Bank, Fort Worth
- Sotelco, McAllen, TX
- Embassy Suites, McAllen,TX
- Four Corners, Phase I, Dallas
- Michael and Dori Garza Collection
- Collection, Haskell Motheral, Spicewood, TX
- Judge Rosa Trevion, Pharr, TX
Awards Received:
- First Prize, Corpus Christi Art Foundation Annual, Art Museum of South TX
- Inter-D, Inter-Am. Craft Alliance, McAllen International Museum 1970
- IBM Purchase Prize, 60th annual TFAA, Laguna Gloria Museum, Austin
- Commission Award, ’71 Southwest Crafts Biennial, Museum of International Folk Art Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Merit Award, 15th Texas Crafts Exhibit, Dallas Museum of Art
- Award, Inter-D II, McAllen International Museum ?71
- Purchase Award, Lauren Roger Museum, Laurel, Mississippi
- Honorable Mention, 22nd Wichita National, Kansas
- Merit award, Abilene Fine Arts Museum, TX
- Award of Excellence, Creative Coll. ’73, Blaffer Gallery, UH
- Award, 7th Annual Southwestern, Museum of the Southwest, Midland, TX
- Best in Exhibition, 6th Annual PD&C, Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, Ark
- Honorable Mention, Southwest TX National, STSU, San Marcos, TX
- Honorable Mention, 7th Annual, Arkansas Art Center
- Honorable Mention, 16th Texas Crafts Ex., Dallas Museum of Art
- Award, Amarillo 2-D Competition ’75, Amarillo Art Center, TX
- Honorable Mention, 5 State, Gates Gallery, Port Arthur, TX
- Judges Award, Fourth National Marietta, Ohio
- Award of Excellence, Houston D/CC’76, Blaffer Gallery, UH
- American Institute of Architects ’86 Artist & Craftsman Award
Selected One-Man Exhibitions:
- 1969,1971 Estudios Rio, Mission, TX
- 1971 Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, TX
- 1974 BAU House, Houston
- 1976 McAllen International Museum, TX
- 1976 Pan American University, Edinburg, TX
- 1980 Adelle M. Fine Arts, Dallas
- 1982 Amarillo Art Center, TX
- 1994 University of Texas, Pan American
Selected Group Exhibitions
- 1966 Denver Art Museum, 10th Annual
- 1967 Rice University, Creative Collaboration, Houston
- 1968 Southwest Craftsmen, Dallas Museum of Art
- 1969 Museum of International Folk art, Santa Fe, NM
- Texas A & I University, Kingsville, TX
- 1970 Invitational, International Museum of Art & Science
- Texas Designer/Craftsmen, Southwest Texas State University
- 4th Annual Prints, Drawings & Crafts, Arkansas Art Center
- 1971 Wichita Falls Museum, Texas Designer/Craftsmen
- Laguna Gloria Art Museum, 60th Annual TFAA, Austin, TX
- Museum of International Folk Art, Crafts Biennial, NM
- Southwest Craftsmen, The Egg & The Eye, Los Angeles
- Texas Painting & Sculpture, Dallas Museum of Art
- 13th Annual 8 State, Oklahoma Art Center, Oklahoma City
- Inter-D I,II,III, ’71, ’72, ’73, International Craft Exhibition IMAS, McAllen
- 15th Texas Crafts Exhibit, Dallas Museum of Art
- Lauren Roger Museum; Regional, Laurel, Miss.
- 1972 Texas Tech. Univ. Lubbock, Texas designer/Craftsmen
- 21st Annual, Beaumont, TX
- Annual, Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, TX
- 61st Annual, Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin,TX
- 22nd Wichita National; Wichita, Kansas
- 50th Regional, R.S. Barnwell art Center, Shreveport, LA
- 17th National, El Paso Museum of Art, TX
- 1973 University of Texas at Arlington, TX
- Five States, Gates Gallery, Port Arthur, TX
- Blaffer Gallery, Creative Coll.; University of Houston
- Art Museum of South Texas; Annual, Corpus Christi, TX
- Seventh Annual, Museum of the Southwest, Midland, TX
- Sixth Annual, The Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock
- Objects ’73; National, Western Colorado Center of the Arts
- Sixteenth Annual Delta, Arkansas Arts Center
- 1974 20th Century Women in Art, Invitational, Laguna Gloria, Austin
- 16th Texas Crafts Exhibition; Dallas Museum of Art
- 16th Annual 8 State Painting & Sculpture; Oklahoma Art Center
- Three-man Invitational, North Texas State University, Denton
- 1975 18th National, El Paso Museum of Art, TX
- Texas Designer/Craftsmen; Delahunty Gallery, Dallas, Traveling exhibit
- Amarillo Two Dimensional, Amarillo art Center, TX
- Invitational, art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi
- Fourth National Crafts Exhibit, Marietta, Ohio
- 1976 Invitational Biennial; Beaumont, TX
- 35th Annual; National; Southern State College, Utah
- Houston designer/Craftsmen, Blaffer gallery, UH
- 19th National; El Paso Museum of Art
- 1977 Amarillo Art Center, Texas
- Robinson Gallery, Houston; Texas Designer/Craftsmen
- Invitational, Clay, Fiber & Metal; Galveston Art Center
- Two-Man Exhibit, Western Texas College; Snyder, TX
- 17th Texas Crafts Exhibition; Dallas Museum of Art
- 1978 Southwest Craft Center, San Antonio; Texas Designer/Craftsmen
- Three-Man Fiber, Texas Women University; Denton, TX
- Two-Man Exhibit, 3-Dimensional Forms; Kerbey Lane Gallery
- National AIA Convention, Invitational, Dallas
- 1979 Group Exhibit, Contemporary Gallery, Houston
- Temple Cultural Arts Center, Temple, TX; Two-Man Exhibit
- 1980 Fiber in the Southwest, Adelle M. Fine Arts, Dallas
- Who’s Who in the World, 03 to present
- Who’s Who in American Art, beginning with 13th edition to present
- Who’s Who in America, 55th edition to present
- Who’s Who of American Women, 1981 to present
- Craft Horizons Nov/Dec 1969 p 63
February 1975 p 68
October 1976 p 53,54
August 1978 p 86
October 1978 p 36 - Quilting and Patchwork, Sunset p 75
- Soft Sculpture by Donna Meilach, Crown Publisher, pp232,233
- How to Plan and Build Fireplaces, Sunset, p 54
- Fiberarts, July/August 1976 p 10
- Southwest Airlines Magazine, Nov. 1976 p 4
- Southwest Art, January 1977 pp 42,43
- The Texas Flyer, April 1978 p 51
- The Complete Book of Stuffedwork by Toni Scott, Houghton Miffin, p 30
- Interior Design, June 1979 pp 162,163
- Interior Design, June 1981, pp 204,205
- Art Craft Magazine, April/May 1980, pp 56,57
- Dictionary of International Biography, Vol .16, ’80 Vol 17
- The South Texas Business Journal, July 1983 p 47,48
- Successful Attitudes, July 1984, pp 33-40
Summer 1991, pp 50,51 - Progress Times, Dec. 24, 1986
- The Valley Town Crier, Jan 7, 1987; October 5, 1994; July 23, 2003
- Valley Symphony Orchestra Program, 1992-93, p 34
- The Monitor, McAllen, TX Sept. 16th 1990 p 1C
March 26th, 1993, p 25E - TV 4 KGBT Harlingen, Morning News, interview 5,3,96