Selecting and displaying art is a personal and subjective process, but here are a few general pointers for two-dimensional art (drawings, paintings, prints, photographs, fiber works, etc.).

1. Center large and medium size work about even with your standing eye level. If you have a very long wall or hallway, use a string or a laser beam as an eye level reference point.
2. The eye level line should pass through the same mid-point when several pictures of different sizes are hung on the same wall.

3. Center the eye-level mid-way for a grouping of small pictures.

4. Here are two of the most commonly used balancing systems: Symmetrical (formal), Asymmetrical (in formal)

Careful attention to handling and placement are important for best preservation.
- Framing can be relatively expensive. We strongly recommend that you shop around and ask for recommendations on quality of work if you choose to order you art unframed from us.
- If it is going to be a few weeks before framing, prints and posters can be dry or vacuum mounted. This relatively inexpensive step prevents the print from wrinkling (due to humidity).
- Various types of glass (including UV coated) as well as clear acrylic (break resistant) are available.
- Never hang or display art in direct sunlight and, always keep away from extreme heat and moisture.
- Where possible, hang artwork so the center of the picture is at eye-level (Hanging pictures too high is a common mistake).
- When you are hanging a group of pictures, they can be laid out on the floor first, to determine the best arrangement.
- Whenever possible, use incandescent lighting, as it “brings out” the colors. Avoid neon lighting as it visually “kills” the colors. Track lights, spot lights and dimmer switches can be used for dramatic effects.