Our business goal is to be the best source for fine art anywhere. We believe the most direct way to accomplish this goal is to establish a lifetime of personal and professional relationships with our clients. By listening carefully and sharing our knowledge and experience in a give and take atmosphere, the Art Studio strives to enhance the collecting experience for our clients. We feel the better educated our clients are about art, the more informed and intelligent their buying decisions will be. The artstudio is confident that the interested collector will find value, quality and beauty in the artwork we offer. To serve collectors at all levels and stages, from beginners to connoisseurs, The Art Studio offers a range of quality works from well-priced prints to exceptional originals from well established artists.
About The Founder
Jennifer Nichols Siegler was destined to be involved in the arts. She is the daughter of Maxine McClendon, painter, listed in Who’s Who of American Art, Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World. Her great aunt and great grandmother were both professional painters. Her father is Edward E. Nichols, listed in Who’s Who in American Art, Who’s Who in America. Her grandfather Nic Nichols was a professional cartoonist with a syndicated cartoon that ran in over 300 newspapers before the depression: later he taught in an art school in Chicago. Her brother, Christopher Nichols is a watercolorist. Family vacations in this household were always museum centered. Growing up in a home with three studios, her family’s art plus their ever-growing collection of art by other artist was a rich environment. Her father taught painting and drawing at the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg, Texas, until his retirement in 1999. It was a home filled with art and visiting artist, many of whom dined with the family. Siegler paints a little, but has decided that artist representation is where her skills are best suited.
We, at the artstudio, strive to help educate our collecting community, in addition to selling fine art of all media. Our virtual Art Gallery offers full biographies of each artists, tips and instructions on how to work with us, art as an investment, and other important issues to help enhance your understanding of art collecting. Furthermore, it provides a detailed description of our fine art printing techniques and information on our personal design services to give you a visual idea how your fine art piece will look. It is our goal to provide the finest customer service along with quality information to any art acquisition that you may consider: being the best resource for your fine art purchases.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the artstudio. We always encourage and appreciate any comments and suggestions that will improve the effectiveness of our gallery to help you locate art that is just right for you. Thank You.
Jennifer Siegler, Founder
artstudio Fine Art